The Big Reframe

How we look at life is learned and can be unlearned. Developing practices that expand awareness and observation skills such as yoga or meditation can help strengthen this ability. Simply recognizing that there’s a forest beyond the trees is helpful as well. Perception changes everything. And the cool thing is we get to choose which lens we look through or angle we take on a subject. When the moon is full on one side of the planet, its dark on the other side. In some situations immediate action is needed, however, sometimes all that is required is waiting. Coming from a  place of curiosity is a useful way to practice waiting to see what unfolds. There is a requirement though, one need’s to come from a place of trust vs. fear in order for waiting to be tolerated.

One of the best examples of this concept is an episode from my all time favorite show, Northern Exposure. This show was ahead of its time, combining indigenous & nature wisdom, Jungian psychology, dream work & endearing characters that even after 20 years have been imprinted in my heart & psyche. Enjoy the following memorable moment when Ed is trying to make sense out of being struck by lightening that illustrates the power of perception offered by Iris Watts Hirideyo (This post is the creative work of Iris Watts Hirideyo and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License. Would love to hear your comments!

Ed: Boy, Marilyn, I’ve been thinking about this lightning thing so much, I’ve gone and given myself a headache.

Marilyn: Maybe you shouldn’t think about it.

Ed: I tried that, too. When I try not thinking about it, the only thing that goes through my head is still It. (pause) Who do you think is right? Is it a nihilistic universe with no meaning, oh, other than survival, or does the enlightenment view prevail? Does the Creator have a master plan, and if so, what is it?

Marilyn: My uncle once told me about a warrior who had a fine stallion. Everybody said how lucky he was to have such a horse. “Maybe,” he said. One day the stallion ran off. The people said the warrior was unlucky. “Maybe,” he said. Next day, the stallion returned, leading a string of fine ponies. The people said it was very lucky. “Maybe,” the warrior said. Later, the warrior’s son was thrown from one of the ponies and broke his leg. The people said it was unlucky. “Maybe,” the warrior said. The next week, the chief led a war party against another tribe. Many young men were killed. But, because of his broken leg, the warrior’s son was left behind, and so was spared.