“As Above, So Below….


…as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…” says ancient Greek sage Hermes Trismegistus. I have heard this saying many times over the years and again recently in the movie Origins, a documentary on our environmental health. It simply refers to the delicate symbiotic relationship between the macrocosm and the microcosm or in other words, the planet and humans. The 35 contributing speakers all share their expertise on the state of our health and how it is directly linked to the health of the planet. (Movie can be seen for free until 11/22). Another recent event, the Heal The Earth, Heal The Self Telesummit shared the perspective of 22 speakers on how the wellbeing of humans is interwoven with the earth. Both programs are asking us to examine our relationship to the earth, our habits, how and what we consume and what we are modeling for our children. Claire Dakin, Founder of Tree Sisterssays “humanity is running out of time but it’s not over yet”. She says we must make our health and the health of the environment a priority.

Ecopsychologists say a large percentage of anxiety and depression is related to our disconnect from the earth and because our ways of living are out of sync with the natural world. Chara Armon, creator of the telesummit, says “caring for the Earth is inseparable from caring for ourselves.” These messages resonant deeply within me and are a primary foundation of my work, especially with women. Claire Dakin says “women are the missing link in the climate puzzle”. If you are sick and tired of being sick, tired, depressed, anxious, stressed or feeling disconnected maybe its time to reexamine one’s relationship to the natural world and the earth’s wisdom. ‘When oriented from a place of deep care our natural desire is to fiercely protect and restore’ says Dakin. Women have a natural connection to earth wisdom. Balance won’t happen though until we ‘normalize giving back’. If this blog stirs you and are feeling called to restore yourself and your relationship with the earth maybe its time to take some steps in that direction. One:one mentoring or group activities with other women are available now to find your way and be a part of the healing process ‘above and below’. Contact julie@livingbalanced.org for more information.

“Millions of us around the world are feeling a calling to reclaim the feminine, and in so doing, to awaken our authentic power to co-create the future of our lives.” – imaginecells.org