Are you breathing just a little and calling it a life

– Mary Oliver


Many say we have everything we need to navigate our lives and these stressful times. Living Balanced was created to do just that, help you uncover and remember your hidden reservoir of resources. Living in balance is not a static process or single goal to attain but rather cultivated through regular practices of awareness (knowing when one has veered off course) and utilizing tools to bring one back to homeostasis over and over again. Living Balanced is designed to assist the process of accessing innate wisdom and creative energies for optimal living and helping clients create an entirely new tool box to draw from.

Anyone wishing to grow, change and evolve will benefit from this interactive, integrative, contemplative and complementary approach. Clients learn strategies to heal, intentionally create the life they seek, experience more joy, contentment and self-love. Julie is a ‘way-shower’, gentle guide and compassionate companion for those desiring to come back into alignment with the true self. She is an alchemist who loves to show clients how to turn crises into golden opportunities for growth. Julie is a Universal Shaman Apprentice studying with don Oscar Miro-Quesada and Cynthia Greer to deepen her training as a healer and to be of service. She is a graduate of Clinical Ecotherapy with Ariana Candell, LMFT, RDMT and the Kripalu School of Mindful Outdoor Leadership. She utilizes Nature as a healing ally when appropriate. For more information on Ecotherapy enjoy this article Julie wrote on the subject.